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Lunch Money for Financial Coaches

As financial software power users, we want your opinion to help shape future features. Fill out the form to get listed on Lunch Money's future financial coaches directory.

How did you hear about the Lunch Money Coach program?

Are you already using Lunch Money personally?

Are you already using Lunch Money personally?

How involved are you with setting up and training your clients on how to use their personal finance software?

How many clients do you have? (We want to make sure our interface can scale with you as you grow)

What certifications do you have?

What certifications do you have?

Are there any features that would be helpful or critical to have in lunch money for your coaching business?

Would you be willing to take a few free courses on mastering Lunch Money to become a Lunch Money certified coach?

Would you be willing to take a few free courses on mastering Lunch Money to become a Lunch Money certified coach?

Please share your email

What is your LinkedIn profile?